We offer a bespoke service to help maintain independant living within your home. We cover Stone in Staffordshire and surrounding areas.

Working Procedure

A procedure for Local Helping Hands entering the Client's house, for the time duration requested and carrying out the tasks agreed.

  • Local Helping Hands will not go to a Client's property without a prior arrangement or appointment.
  • All new appointments will be taken with no less than 24 hours notice. This can be done either by telephone or email.
  • Where possible, I will try to meet all new clients so as to familiarise myself with the client and discuss immediate needs.
  • Local Helping Hands will always ring the doorbell or knock on the door at the time of the scheduled appointment. If there is no answer Local Helping Hands will call the client as their first port of call contact number. If there is no response Local Helping Hands will contact any secondary contact number. If there is no response from this action, Local Helping Hands will wait for 15 minutes from the appointment time.
  • If there has been no communication with the client within the 15 minutes of the scheduled appointment time despite trying, we will communicate this fact to the appointed representative / next of kin. We will do this by telephoning the emergency number provided. A forgotten or delayed appointment will incur a charge of one hours work to Local Helping Hands.
  • Local Helping Hands will, in no circumstances, enter the client's property alone without being accompanied and welcomed by the client. We will not retain possession of a client's house key. The client's wellbeing is our priority and we will always respect their wishes. If the client is distressed, for any reason, by the presence of Local Helping Hands, we will acknowledge the client's wishes and leave the property.
  • Local Helping Hands will not enter a property if we deem it unsafe to do so.
  • Local Helping Hands will leave the client's property in the same or in an improved state to how we found it; ensuring the client is safe on our departure.
  • Local Helping Hands will remain in the client's house for the agreed duration and carry out tasks allocated to us by the client, and is documented on our approved 'Task List'